One Year Old

Location: Barber Park / Session: 30 minutes / Package: Basic

When I think of Rivers, I instantly think of graham crackers. He can almost always be found sitting on the floor completely content with a graham cracker in his hand. Riv is one of the happiest babies I have ever met, and he just turned one!

He posed perfectly for us with his balloon and cute little man suspenders. He sat patiently on his handmade quilt by mama while she fed him his favorite treat to make him smile. By the looks of it, you would have never known we were actually being attacked by mosquitos!

Happy Birthday, Riv! May your day be full of hugs and kisses, and especially graham crackers.


  1. You are the best!! Meg i Looooooooove! them!! I'm so glad I enslisted you're skills! I couldn't have done this good. Thank you thank you!! i love my Rivers! and love YOU

  2. oh my this has to be the cutest thing i've ever seen!

  3. Haha he's adorable! And the little graham crackers in his hands :3
